PROGRAMMA 18:30 Presentazione: Alfonso Lo Cascio, Presidente regionale di BCSicilia, al centro diurno di Gratteri e proiezione del video sulle misteriose leggende del territorio a cura del docente Marco Fragale; 19:30 Apericena e degustazioni prodotti tipici a bordo piscina presso Gratteri Resort; 21:30
Notti alle Torri
...Vivi la Magia della Cattedrale di Notte! Le visite alle Torri della Cattedrale di Cefalù non sono mai state così speciali! Tornano ad illuminare l’estate della cittadina normanna, le visite serali ai percorsi della Cattedrale. Un calendario ricco di eventi con ben nove
Discovering the Abbey of San Giorgio, a milestone of the Norman itinerary in Sicily
A journey into the distant Middle Ages, an exciting experience unique in its kind, totally immersed in the Gratteri wood.
Discovering the treasures of Gratteri, the most mysterious village of the Madonie
An adventure not to be missed, to discover Gratteri, one of the most beautiful and mysterious villages of the Madonie.
From the Valley of Beryl to the Crests of Prace: in search of the Rock Crystal that made Gratteri famous in antiquity
A fascinating itinerary to discover the naturalistic beauties and legends of a cave with a very clear source.
Grotta Grattara Park: discovering the Fountain of the Ninfa
A unique excursion to the Grattara Grotto Park at over a thousand meters above sea level, from where an indescribable panoramic landscape embraces.
Castelbuono: the cradle of the Ventimiglias
Castelbuono rises on the slopes of Colle Milocca. The town is part of the Madonie Park and owes its origins to the Ventimiglia family.
Archaeological park of Himera
The itinerary of the visit of the Archaeological Park of Himera allows you to follow the historical and cultural problems of the Greek colony and its territory.